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There are many different bug out bags that you could have. The list can be long, and there is so much information on the web that you can use.

The main fact is, the primary use of a bug out bag is for supplies, enough to get you where you need to go when a disaster or unforeseen event happens and to keep you alive in a survival situation.

The fact is that you only need one main bag, there are 24 hr bags, 48 hr bags and 72 hr bags.

There is also the INCH bag (I'm never coming home bag). Used in extreme cases.

I would like to focus on the 72 hr bug out bag or a grab bag. This would be ample enough to help you survive and get you where you need to be for at least three days.

If you have to leave your home as it was not safe enough to stay, You would have your bag ready, in a easy to find location at home. 

You don't want to be searching around for all your stuff and pack it when you need to bug out asap. Chances are you would forget something, and that usually means something important. 

I will mention the other types later on. Also a kit downloadable checklist for you.

The 72 hr bug out bag should last you for at least 72 hours, packed with all the essentials that you would need, needless to say, that you should have a bag ready for all the members of your family.

Lets start by running through the basics:


‘Bugging out’ refers to an individual’s decision to leave your home in response to an unexpected emergency situation. Whether that be a natural disaster or one caused by mankind. It’s only natural, then, that the essential supplies you’d need in such a situation would be packed into a ‘bug-out’ bag.

A bug out bag is a survival kit filled with essentials that can help you get through a variety of emergency scenarios.

Also called a BOB, bug out bags are backpacks, rolls or even any sturdy bag, that contain the essential items you’d need to survive for at least 72 hours in an emergency.


Any Disaster or unforeseen event can take place at any time, without proper preparation, you don't want yourself and your loved ones vulnerable. There’s no better time than now to prepare a bug out bag filled with the essentials needed to keep you alive, whether a natural disaster happens or any event that forces you to leave your home.

Preparedness is the key to survival, but half of the population of the UK, or maybe more do not have emergency supplies for use in the event of a disaster situation. Most would be rushing to the shops, only to find empty shelves. 

Image by Brett Jordan


Preparing a comprehensive, survival-ready bug out bag should be a priority.

Your survivalist’s checklist should include this at the top.

I have used my own knowledge and researched most of the material on items that you would need. But you would need to fine tune it for your own or families needs.

Everyone is different, you will build and find your own items and supplies, and in the end you would have the perfect bug out bag. Only then you would have a better chance than most. 

Bug out bag 72 hour

Food & Water

3 days’ supply of non-perishable food, other shelf-stable foods.

High-nutrition energy bars, even MREs, per family member

Portable water filtration system

Chemical water purification tablets or drops

Collapsible water bag or bladder

Stainless steel water bottles for each family member

Stainless steel bowl/pot

Spork multi-utensil

Field knife

Collapsible fishing kit

Portable stove

Fuel for stove/fire (solid fuel, fire starters, ferro rod, waterproof matches or petroleum soaked cotton ball DIY fire-starters)

Multipurpose tool with knife, can opener, screwdriver, etc.

Warmth & Shelter

Lightweight tent

Sleeping bag

Ground pad

Emergency waterproof blanket or space blanket


Hand warmers


50' of parachute cord (paracord)

Hatchet or machete

Knife sharpening stone


Rain poncho or other durable waterproof outer shell layer

Warm and lightweight winter jacket

Warmth layer (wool, fleece)

2 sets of quick-dry underwear per person

2 pairs of wool hiking socks per person

Sturdy hiking shoes or boots

Hat for warmth (winter) or sun protection (summer)

First Aid & Sanitation

Comprehensive first aid kit

N95 face masks


Spare set of glasses

Antibacterial wipes and ointment



Folding shovel

Condensed soap


Travel towel

Hand sanitizer

Nail clippers

Tampons, pads or silicone menstrual cup

Toilet paper/wet wipes

Contractor garbage bags

Light, Safety and Communication


Two-way walkie talkie



Pepper spray

Hand-cranked radio

Hand-cranked flashlight

Hand-cranked or solar-powered lantern

Headlamp and rechargeable batteries

Glow sticks

Portable solar charger and power-charging cords for devices

Cell phones

Important Documents in a Waterproof Bag

Passports. Deeds/titles to home and car. Bank info Insurance policies

Health records. Pencil and notebook. Family photos

Paper road maps and topographic maps

Printed list of friend and family names and addresses

Cash (small bills)

You do not have to go completely by these list of items. You can fine tune it yourself, add and take away some items. The choice is yours.

I will be adding some more information on the bags, importance on weight, distance traveling and how you will get to you predetermined location in another section.

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